North DeKalb
Republican Women

Celebrating our 46th year!

Please join us for our regular monthly meeting on the 4th Saturday
of each month at 10:30 AM

Check our Photo Gallery Page to see what we do.

Pine Creek Center
4320 Cowan Road
Tucker, GA 30084

Join our email list for the latest news on North DeKalb Republican Women’s
upcoming meetings, events, news and service projects!


The North Dekalb Republican Women is not just a political association. We are a non-profit organization heavily involved in public service working with the USO, Ronald McDonald House, the V.A. Hospital and local schools.

The North DeKalb Republican Women meet on the fourth Saturday of every month. We have a short social time before beginning our business at 11:30 a.m. Please check the calendar for the location.

We frequently have guest speakers such as elected officials, judges, candidates, potential candidates, authors, etc.
Please check our calendar for more information in and plan to join us.

We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the organization and how you can join.

Check out our EVENTS page for information on NDRW meetings and other events.

Past President Lisa Kinnemore with 2024-25 Officers
Bobbie Frantz administers Oath of Office to new Officers
Bobbie & Lisa with 2024-25 Officers

NDRW Officers

Catherine Bernard – President
Barbara Hartman – 1st Vice President
Tammy Johnson – Treasurer
Judi Grubbs – Recording Secretary
Dolcie Fromm – Corresponding Secretary
Natalie Olmi – District Director

Click here to join NDRW


Catherine Bernard, NDRW President



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