September 3, 2020 Newsletter


We are headed into ELECTION SEASON!!  This will be one of the hardest fought elections in the history of our great nation.   The RNC is coming off a great convention week.   It was full of uplift and hope for this nation. We saw the hope that is America last week.   The RNC did a wonderful job celebrating diversity and the hope we all have.  We also saw the return of the Almighty Divine Creator, that makes our country unique in its founding.  
 We have had a long summer and there are a few things I would like for us to work on for the fall.  We must help our local candidates by donations, volunteering and  get out the vote.  Below you will find a link to show the scale of the lefts intention to initiate voter fraud.  They have been doing  a dress rehearsal for years.  Now, they are on the big stage.

Remind everyone to OWN YOUR VOTE!  Go to the voting place and cast your ballot in person if at all possible.  The USPS union has backed Joe Biden and yet we are supposed to leave our mail to them.

Please contact your local office to sign up to be a poll worker or election judge.   We must flood these offices and demand voter integrity.  

A big thank you to First Lady Marty Kemp and Governor Kemp for joining with Tyler Perry for a PSA on human trafficking.

CALL TO ACTION:  USO visit on September 5 at Hartsfield-Jackson ATL Airport 9AM-3PM  Please contact  Natalie Olmi for more information. 

September 26 at 11:30 will be our next meeting.  Location is to be announced.  Our speaker will be Dekalb County Delegate to the RNC convention Marci McCarthy. 

DeKalb County  Committee Meeting on September 10 at 7:30pm
at DeKalb County GOP HQ
Pine Creek Center
4320 Cowan Rd
Tucker, GA 30084

You are invited to join us at the DeKalb GOP Breakfast on Saturday, September 19th from 9:00 am – 10:30 am with:   Mark Rountree President Landmark Communications, Inc. Who Will Speak On Believe it or Not – The Inside Scoop of Political Polling in 2020 in Georgia

Early Voting
November 3 is the last day of voting, NOT ELECTION DAY.  CALL TO ACTION
Begins – Oct 12                               

Ends – Oct 30

See You Soon,

Felice Pete, President

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